Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Inspired by Pinterest

Maybe inspired isn't the word... maybe obsessed is more like it. :) In fact, I could totally relate to one post that read:

It's like fantasy football for girls.

So true. It's been ridiculously fun and probably a little too time consuming... I especially love finding free printable graphics, and each time I come across an Etsy print, I always think... I could so create that myself! So I gave it a shot, both times in an effort to print something I could hang in the nursery.

Here's the first - I used publisher and downloaded lots of free fonts to create it. It's not perfect, but I'm really happy with how it turned out. Now I need to find just the right frame... 

AND I just love this second phrase, too. It's such a fitting quote for any mom. I'm now 31 weeks along and cannot believe there are only 9 weeks to go in this pregnancy! Time is flying by!!! If only we could decide on a name... :)