First, my dear friend, Sabrina, threw a shower in Manhattan. It was absolutely adorable! Like any southern belle, Sabrina really loves to entertain. She made some delicious food and had such cute decorations and activities, too. The theme was a book shower - so we now have piles and piles of awesome books ready to read to our little girl! Sabrina also had onesies and puffy paint...
Shower number two was at Cole's Aunt Kathy's home, near Salina. It was so fun to see both the Eilders and Hasker sides of the family, along with great friends from that area. Many of Cole's aunts drove really long distances for the shower - again, the weekend left me feeling so spoiled and extremely blessed to have such wonderful family and friends! And left Baby E's closet full of CUTE, girlie clothes!
Shower number three... yes, I said THREE, was in Winfield with family and friends. I have two of the best sisters anyone could ask for - and they went ALL OUT! :) More details to come...